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tomr-photos's Recent Galleries

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11-Mar-2025 02:00
:: Floralscapes ::
07-Mar-2025 20:30
Carscapes and . . . cars
:: Carscapes and . . . cars ::
27-Feb-2025 17:30
Experimental Images
:: Experimental Images ::
18-Aug-2023 01:33
Vintage Covers Plus
:: Vintage Covers Plus ::
29-Jan-2023 16:06
Black & White
:: Black & White ::
16-Jul-2022 20:59
Hartford, CT
:: Hartford, CT ::
25-Sep-2017 22:54
:: Favorites ::
14-Sep-2017 15:04
Fall Gallery
:: Fall Gallery ::
29-Aug-2012 13:22
Harkness Memorial State Park
:: Harkness Memorial State Park ::
27-Dec-2006 16:00
Who is Jesus?
:: Who is Jesus? ::