Sterna hirundo by NisseThunell
Common Snipe by Christer Sundström
Större vattensalamander (Triturus cristatus) by Jens Morin
April, Sweden by C. Johansson
Small Cactus Finch by Christer Sundström
Ottenby & Southern Öland - People, Wildlife and Landscape by Jan-Michael Breider
Större sjötrollslända (Orthetrum cancellatum) by Jens Morin
Stockholm (December 2024) by Leif Tobias
City / Buildings - Sweden by photo.slufirski
Bergfink - Brambling by Jens Morin
Divers, Grebes, Seabirds & Cormorants by Jens Morin
Down the lazy river by ph_graaf