From the Air by ROSA Images
Namibia The Stiltz Accomodation by Andre Dewas Afrique Du Sud
Namibia 2004 Astrophotos by Tom and Jennifer Polakis
Golden-tailed Woodpecker by Ian Fulton
30.06.2014 SWACOPMUND by Petra und Michael Fliedner
KALAHARI - WINDHOEK 08.11.2011 by Petra und Michael Fliedner
Namibia by Paul Zimmermann
Namibia by mzungu
SOSSUSVLEI - KEETMANSHOOP 02.11.2011 by Petra und Michael Fliedner
16.07.2015 KALAHARI by Petra und Michael Fliedner
16.05.2016 OKAUKUEJO by Petra und Michael Fliedner
Namibia, Birds & Wildlife, 9 - 21 December 2022 by Arie Ouwerkerk